Thursday, February 13, 2014

Excerpt from Storms of Life, Silver Lining: Hope

Excerpt from Storms of Life Chapter 6, Day 5:
"When we focus on God’s truths they lift our spirits; He is the Father of peace, not doubt and confusion. Even during suffering, an underlying bedrock of peace and joy will allow you to feel hope. God’s Word is Truth: timeless, changeless, a Light for your heart and soul when all else is in darkness.
Truth is not a whim that blows in the wind. ... It stands on the Rock of God’s character and is expressed in every promise spoken by His faithfulness. God is the Father of peace, joy, strength, wisdom, hope, and so much more. Focus on Him! Let His Word become your Bread of Life and your Living Water to sustain you in the wilderness of suffering."

The sound of rain, flashes of lightening, rolls of thunder— I love a storm. I like to snuggle up with a hot cup of tea and a good book.

But, no amount of hot tea and no shelf of bestsellers can lessen a storm of suffering or hardship that invades our lives and threatens our stability.

The days stretch by and things just seem to get worse.

Where’s God? Has He forgotten us? Worse yet, has He abandoned us? It sure feels like it sometimes. We’re desperate for His love and grace.

Even though we don’t see it or feel it, God is there, upholding us with His grace.

In the next few posts, we'll rejoice in the 8 colors of God’s grace that surround us during our hardest times.

“Every cloud has a silver lining.”
“There’s a blessing hidden is this storm, if you just look for it.”

These statements are hard to believe when all we can see is dark, swirling clouds.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11: 1

Hope…this word doesn’t mean
                    "I wish," or
                    "I want it to happen but I’m not sure."

It means complete confidence, certainty, unfailing.

In Christ, our hope is complete confidence in Him and His unfailing promises.

Even from the midst of the storm, we have hope (total confidence) in the silver lining.

Hope in His presence.
Hope in His faithfulness.
Hope in His sustaining power.

All the colors of God's grace are built on this hope.

When you've been buffeted by a storm, how have you built your stability on the hope of (confidence in) God's faithfulness?

If this post blesses you, please share.

Next post: Red - God's Passion and Power


  1. Love it! Sherry, would you consider allowing me to repost this on my blog w/link back to here & a bio of you? Please? :) No prob if you refuse. lol

  2. So true!!! God IS always there! There's no doubt about it. I have this theory that out of everything bad that happens, something good comes out of it somehow. It's that silver lining that you wrote about. Very true! Thanks for the wonderful post! :)

  3. That's a precious promise we have, isn't it? God turns everything into an expression of His purpose. Thanks for commenting!
