"Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders." Deuteronomy 33:12
I confess: I'm a worrier. I didn't used to be but, every year, I get worse.
The washer's making a strange sound - what if it breaks?
I haven't talked to my sister in a week. I hope she's alright.
Do we have enough to retire?
If we do retire, can I stand having my sweet husband home all day, every day?
So, I'm stressed. About silly things. Things I can't change. Things that have a one-in-a-million chance of actually happening.
Can you relate?
Instead of focusing on the unknowns of tomorrow, we can find peace in the beautiful words in Deuteronomy 33:12
- Beloved
- Rest
- Secure
- Shield
We are the Lord's beloved, we can rest in Him - we don't have to be anxious or worried.
We can be secure in Him - He is in control. He's never caught off guard.
He shields us all day long - every day. He knows what's coming. The silly worries or the serious struggles. He's there.
Next time stress creeps in, rest.
How does the Lord bring rest to your worries?
How does the Lord bring rest to your worries?