Friday, June 12, 2015

Shadows of Love

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13. 

I came across this wrought-iron patio set in a little nook at Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina. I’ve gone there every May for ten years and I'd never seen this pretty little cubby hole.

Your eyes might be drawn to the patio set or to the quiet surroundings but my eyes immediately settled on the intricate design of the shadows beneath the chairs.

They reminded me of watching Grandma’s gnarled hands carefully crochet a doily with fine crochet thread. There was tenderness and great care in each stitch. She always had a person in mind to give her doily to and great love went into each creation.

My mind drifted to the tender words in Psalm 139:13

You knit me together in my mother's womb

In your mind’s eye, watch the Creator of the Universe lovingly form each stitch to design the person He desired to know: you

  • The One who spoke the stars into place and named each one.
  • The One who paints sunrises and sunsets.
  • The One who created the earth’s waters and filled them with life.
  • The One who formed giraffes, hippopotamuses, and tiny, perfect hummingbirds.

This One of power, majesty, and glory designed an intricate pattern and tenderly, carefully created you.

Just as Grandma filled each work of her hands with love for the person who would receive it, so God filled each stitch with His great love as He created you, His precious, unique child.

For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD. Psalm 117:2.

Do you realize how precious and treasured you are?
Look at yourself through God's eyes. What about you is lovely to the Lord? 


  1. A pretty post, Sherry. I have never seen that patio at the conference center. Your grandmother sounds like a sweet person.

    1. The day I ran across it, I was in a hurry and my mind was in a tizzy. God used those intricate shadow designs to calm me and to bring pleasant memories to mind. Isn't it amazing how He can use the simplest things to bless us? Thanks for commenting, Katy.
