Friday, July 24, 2015

Scripture for a Tilt Test

He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress. I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:2

If anyone ever mentions the words “tilt test” to you, RUN!!!

The past several months, I’ve walked on a rockin’ and a rollin’ suspension bridge. Not really, but that’s how it felt.
I’d be fine one minute and weave the next. I’d bounce off the walls when I went down the hall. Without warning, I’d veer into someone who walked beside me. I’m sure the people who saw me walk my dog thought I was drunk.
After he tried everything else, my doctor said, “Let’s try a tilt test.” Naively, I said, “OK.”
In case you’ve never heard of one, here’s the general premise: tilt the poor, unsuspecting person, head up, at a 70 angle, and wait until he or she passes out.
It was one of the most horriblest things I’ve ever experienced. After a few minutes, I started seeing weird psychedelic lights flashing in the darkness. Yes, I was a teenager in the 60’s. No, I wasn’t on LSD. I became so disoriented and weak that I couldn’t speak or move.
I freaked out. Something was seriously wrong and I couldn’t tell anyone.
Of course, the nurse who was monitoring me immediately leveled the table. It was still several minutes before I could speak and even longer before I could move.
According to the doctor, my blood pressure dropped like a rock, which is why I felt so terrible. – and why I weave and veer without notice. Two pills a day and I’m back on the straight and narrow.   

But what happens when we lose our spiritual balance?
  • When our security disappears and our faith drops like a rock.
  • How can we possibly stand when everything around us falls apart?
  • What feels solid and secure when our worlds spin out of control?

No trip to the doctor and no “magic bullet” can put us back on sure footing.
Only God’s Word can give us the sure foundation we need.

During those times, we can trust the ROCK.

Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Psalm 119:89
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer. Samuel 22:2
Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:4
And my favorite:
He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40:2

Look at these words: 
HE set…HE gave.

When I have no security and no stability, He enables me to stand. He holds me on solid ground.

He and He alone is my Rock.

I don’t have to depend on a firm foundation I’ve built on my faith.
He is my Rock – not the number of verses I can quote or a count of my pew-warming presence.
When things tilt and sway, I can trust Him.
He alone is my strength, my fortress and my stability.

I trust Him - and so can you!

Is God alone your Rock or do you depend on yourself?
When has He been your fortress and foundation?


  1. Sherry! What a horrible, scary experience. So glad they figured it out and you're better. Hugs, my friend. Good analogy!

    1. You are so sweet and a faithful friend. Carole. I am all better - except for these unattractive pressure socks I have to wear in the mornings. :)

  2. Wow!!! Sherry Thank you so much for this post. I am feeling so blessed because of your words. I know what it is like to spiritually be in that position and it it utter darkness and despair; so thank you for your words of life.

    1. I don't know how we would survive without God's faithfulness and His promises. Thanks for visiting, Sherice!

  3. Thank you for this blogpost, Sherry. What a scary experience. But it gave you a spiritual lesson and to share with us. It's so true waht you are writing: "When I have no security and no stability, He enables me to stand. He holds me on solid ground."

    1. God often uses experiences to teach us something about Himself, doesn't He, Ariella? Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Thank you Sherry I needed this today. I am sorry you went through such a horrible experience.

    1. It was a horrible experience but two good things came from it 1. the Dr found out what was wrong. 2. God used it to bring these verses to mind and verify his faithfulness. He is good! Thanks for commenting!

  5. I'm so glad you have the culprit for your instability, but what a yucky experience in the process. Love the way you applied that to the idea of our spiritual balance of faith.

    1. It's amazing how God can use anything to teach us to trust Him more. Thanks for dropping in, Ginger!

  6. I love how you say we don't have to depend on the foundation we have built. We learn to rest, rest, rest in the truth of God's words and His faithfulness. We learn to trust and lean in close to His heart, but always He holds us firm and strong. It is so all about Him!!
