Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Pure In Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8

Blessed (loved and favored by God) are the pure in heart (those whose life and soul have been made pure by Jesus and is centered on Him), for they shall see God (be admitted into His presence and enjoy His fellowship).

Pure in heart. I must admit, I've never felt pure in heart. My mind's full of unpleasing thoughts and a desire to sin. Praise God, we are not purified by our thoughts or works but by Jesus blood on the cross. He did for us what we are unable to do.

Clothed by Jesus righteousness. Luke 1:74-75 says God rescues us from the hands of our enemies and clothes us (Galatians 3:27) in Christ's holiness and righteousness. He doesn't see our filthiness, He sees our purity. Of course, we should come before Him in repentance because sin clouds our fellowship with Him; His fellowship with us never falters.

They shall see God. Rejoice, Rejoice! You are pure before God and you are allowed to come into His presence! When we pray, do we realize that we are fellowshipping with God? He draws near to us and fellowships with us. Isn't that a miracle?!?

Clothed by Jesus, indwelled by the Holy Spirit. We have such sweet fellowship with God, not only because we are clothed by Jesus, but also because Spirit lives in us to teach, guide, and protect us. We are shielded inside and out!

We are blessed by God because our hearts have been purified by Jesus,  we are made holy by Jesus' righteousness, and we are continually transformed by the Spirit.

What greater love is there?

How have you seen God transform you?

If this post blessed you, please share!

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